Every February, officially since 2008, is Black History Month.
Black History Month is about honouring the enormous contributions that Black people have made, and continue to make, in all sectors of society. It is about celebrating resilience, innovation, and determination to work towards a more inclusive and diverse Canada — a Canada in which everyone has every opportunity to flourish.
About Black History Month
Our Black History Month Crossword (pdf) is a great place to start learning about prominent Black figures, creators, and historical events in British Columbia and Canada.
Try these subject headings, electronic resources, or check with reference staff for more materials:
Great Courses by Kanopy – Find many movies on African American Cinema, History, and Major Figures by typing ‘Black History Month’ into the search bar and select “Black History Month” as a subject. Some films available include King, The Price, and Freedom Summer.
View the Black History film collection: Celebrate Black History Month with this curated collection on Kanopy. Learn more about the remarkable achievements and the heroes who’ve paved the way for change by viewing narrative films and documentaries. (Learn more about Kanopy). Please read this program guide (PDF) for more information.
On Points to the Past, search through millions of pages of digitized historical content such as maps, photographs, newspapers, manuscripts, pamphlets, poems, sermons, and much more. No login is needed when accessing from within British Columbia.
From the Resources page, go to the Slavery and Anti-Slavery Transnational Archive, devoted to the study and understanding of the history of slavery in America and the rest of the world from the 17th century to the late 19th century. Archival collections were sourced from more than 60 libraries.
Playlist 1 and Playlist 2: Naxos Music Library has made playlists featuring Black composers. Play the music on your browser, Wi-Fi recommended. (Learn more about Naxos Music).
Black Communities in Canada: A Rich History: The National Film Board’s curated list of films by distinguished Black filmmakers, creators, and allies that portray the multi-layered lives of Canada’s diverse Black communities.
Black History Month: The Government of Canada website with resources and information on Black History Month, noteworthy historical figures, organizations from Black Canadians to advance equality and human rights, and historic Black Canadian communities.
Black History Month: 'Rich history' of black people in B.C. has roots in Victoria: Learn about the emigration of black Americans from California to Victoria area in 1858, an important history that helped shape the province of BC (from the Vancouver Sun).
British Columbia’s Black Pioneers: This story highlights the profound impact of Black pioneers who helped to stabilize British colonial communities and ultimately warding off American territorial authority.
Hogan’s Alley Society (HAS): HAS is a non-profit organization composed of civil rights activists, business professionals, community organizations, artists, writers, and academics committed to daylighting the presence of Black history in Vancouver and throughout BC.
Hope Meets Action: An online complement to the exhibition Hope Meets Action: Echoes Through the Black Continuum, that highlights the living and ongoing history of Black belonging in what is referred to as “British Columbia.”
British Columbia Black History Awareness Society (BCBHAS): BCBHAS celebrates the achievements of Black people in British Columbia by creating an awareness of the history of Blacks in BC, stimulating interest in the contributions of persons of African ancestry to BC and Canada today, and celebrating historical and contemporary achievements.
To understand B.C.’s Black history, connect past and present: Learn about the history and current presence of black communities in BC.