Due to unforeseen staff shortages, the Armstrong Library will be closing early today at 1pm. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding.
The OF Library will be closed for renovations from March 1–11 as we refresh our space with new paint and carpet. We look forward to welcoming you back soon and sharing the results!
Go to ORL eBooks|OverDrive
With thousands of popular fiction and non-fiction eBooks & eAudiobooks to choose from, this collection will have something for everyone. You can enjoy best-selling novels, well-known classics, self-improvement guides, and much more. Now includes eMagazines! Learn more about getting started with ORL eBooks or Watch Tutorials
Go to Bibliothèque numérique de la Colombie-Britannique
A collection of French language eBooks and audiobooks from Canadian and international publishers. It includes popular genre fiction, bestsellers, non-fiction and more.
The ORL recognizes the financial support of the Province of British Columbia and the Government of Canada through the Canada-British Columbia Agreement on French-language Services. | ORL reconnait le soutien financier de la province de la Colombie-Britannique et du gouvernement du Canada par le biais de l’Entente Canada-Colombie-Britannique relative aux services en français. We are grateful to VPL for donating their sizable French language collection. View Tutorial
Go to TumbleBook Library for Kids
Find animated talking picture books, read-along chapter books, and graphic novels for kids in Kindergarten through Grade 6. There are fiction and non-fiction books English, as well as French and Spanish. also includes puzzles and games based on the books in the collection. Watch Tutorial
Looking for TeenBookCloud? We no longer subscribe to this online resource. Find similar digital books on the Libby App/ORL eBooks collection:
Go to Centre for Equitable Library Access
CELA is an additional collection of accessible materials for customers with print disabilities and professionals who work with people with print disabilities. Learn how to get started
Go to National Network for Equitable Library Service
NNELS is a collection of accessible, downloadable titles for Canadians with print disabilities. Learn how to get started