While we don’t have any recommendations for specific eReading devices, it is important to get a device that is compatible with OverDrive (the digital book provider for the ORL eBooks Collection) if you wish to download eBooks from the library.
View this list of compatible devices compiled by OverDrive.
If you need help deciding between a tablet and an eReader, check out our Device Advice info page.
Kindle eReaders (including Oasis, Paperwhite, or Touch) are not compatible with OverDrive. The Kindle eReader is a product of Amazon.com and that company has chosen not to work with OverDrive in terms of format compatibility for Canadian public libraries for their eReaders.
Exception for the Amazon Fire tablets: You can download the Libby app from the Amazon Appstore.
To renew your card, simply call your nearest library branch to confirm your contact information, and your card is renewed! Be sure to have your library card handy when you contact staff to renew.
Libraries are operating under a few challenges in terms of building a digital collection:
You can read more about the challenges that libraries face with regards to purchasing digital books from the following link, https://econtentforlibraries.org.
Libraries purchase licences for digital books. Each licence is like one print copy of a book, in that only one person can check it out at a time. If you would like to borrow a popular eBook or eAudiobook, you may need to place a hold for it like you would a popular print book.
There are a few possible explanations:
The hold for the book was placed with a different library card number. If there are multiple cards in your household, please check if the hold is available under a different library card number.
If you got a replacement library card after you had placed the hold, you should be able to find the hold when logging in with the new card number.
If you don't see your hold, please forward your emailed hold notification to help@orl.bc.ca, along with the following information: Your current library card number, your old library card number (if you know it).
From the Libby App:
From the ORL eBooks website:
Font/text size can be changed for books in the EPUB format, but not in the PDF format. Log into your ORL eBooks account to check the format of the eBook.
If there are other copies of the eBook available to download, or if there is no one on the wait list for the eBook, you may try returning the book, and then checking it out again in the EPUB format.
Call us at 1-844-649-8127.
Email help@orl.bc.ca, in your email, please include:
Note: If your ORL card has expired, you'll be unable to borrow from this collection. To renew an expired card, call your library branch.