Customers are responsible for all items borrowed on their card as well as any charges accrued on items that are overdue, lost, or damaged.
Customers will be charged for the original price of the lost item, plus a processing fee. The library cannot accept donated replacement items.
Replacement charges or repair fees will be charged to customers returning items that are damaged. (While water damaged material may still appear useable, the customer is usually charged. Water damaged items are withdrawn due to existing or potential growth of mold and mildew, and unknown sources of liquid)
Customers may choose to keep damaged materials if they have paid the full replacement cost of the damaged item(s) and have submitted a request for the return of the item(s).
Rebinding $12.00 Mending $8.00 max. Replacing barcode $.50 Replacing end pages $1.00 per page
(Charges include label and barcode) Single CD cases $2.00 Multiple CD cases $5.00 Single DVD cases $3.00 Multiple DVD cases $5.00 Single video cases $3.00 Double video cases $7.00 Kit bags $2.00 Victor (DAISY) players. Actual repair charges passed on to the customer
A customer’s borrowing privileges may be suspended when fees are $20.00 or more. Unpaid account of $50.00 or more may be sent to a collection agency.