The Okanagan Falls Library will be closed for renovations from March 1–11 as we refresh our space with new paint and carpet. We look forward to welcoming you back soon and sharing the results!
Audited Financial Statements - 2022
Auditors Final Report to the Board - 2022
Audited Financial Statements - 2021
Audited Financial Statements - 2020
Audited Financial Statements - 2019
Audited Financial Statements - 2018
The Okanagan Regional Library is funded through
In fact, 92 per cent of the library’s funding comes from property taxes from municipalities and regional districts in the ORL region. Tax costs are calculated in two ways: 1. Half of the costs is calculated based on population, which reflects a community’s usage of the library. 2. The other half of the cost is calculated based on land value and improvements (i.e., property assessments), which reflects a community's ability to pay. Once the costs are calculated, each municipality and regional district are billed, and the local Council or District Board shares out the cost among all property owners on the basis of property assessments. Each municipality and regional district has the power to change their own tax apportionment formula. The ORL is currently operating significantly below the provincial average per capita for public libraries.