All ORL Branches are closed on statutory holidays.
The book return bins will be closed over the Victoria Day Long Weekend each year as the town of Falkland celebrates our Annual Stampede. Your patience and understanding is appreciated.
The Falkland Branch is located on Highway 97 in the Falkland townsite near the Post Office and the Stampede Grounds. We share our building with Red Shed Farm Designs and Gifts. When the library is closed there is a book drop bin located near the accessibility ramp.
Diana McCarthy is the Community Librarian at this branch. Stop by and introduce yourself when you get a chance - Diana enjoys meeting new people; reading, knitting, getting crafty; and of course working at one of the best libraries in the world!
The Internet/Catalogue computers are available for use during open hours. When the library is busy, please keep your computer use to 15 minutes if possible; your understanding is appreciated.
Every Tuesday from 6-8pm starting in September and will run until June 2025. Bring your gaming supplies (if you like- but it isn't necessary) and join the fun! This is meant for teens in grades 8-12. Please contact Diana at the library for more information or if you have any questions.
On Saturday April 5th from 1-3pm
Diana has some cute little bags that could use some decorating! Make one for holding your DND dice, your makeup, your jewelry, or perhaps your rock collection? Whatever you like! All supplies are provided for this event, but be sure to register early for it though our events calendar.
Saturday April 26th 1-3pm
Hey Kids! Come join Diana for an afternoon of crafting fun. Diana will introduce you to the art of Mandal Dot-Painting and you can make some amazing hanging ornaments to treasure for years to come. Registration is required, so be sure to do that early.
During the Month of April you can fill out some book recommendation forms and Diana will post them in the library for others to see. Who knows, you might something amazing that someone else has recommended.
For more information about the branch or Youth programming please send an email to or stop by the branch and speak with staff.
Yes! We certainly can visit your group or organization. We can do so in person and/or virtually if this is an option. Please call and speak with staff to arrange this or to get more information.
Absolutely! We love having people in our library, and Diana would love to arrange a tour, Storytime, or directed visit at the branch. Please be sure to give Diana a call at the branch or an email at to make arrangements.
Friday April 4th 6-8pm
Diana has all the tools to get you started with Dot Painting/Mandala! Register for this fun event and be prepared to have some fun. All supplies are provided, but if you have someone you wish to "Paint" speak with Diana and we can likely accomodate it!
Register early to ensure your spot!
Friday April 25th 6-8pm
Been awhile since you tried it? Never have? Now is your chance to give it a try without any financial obligation! Diana has made up some great little kits including a nice library-related pattern, aida cloth, needles, wooded hoop, and you get to choose the colours! Register early as there is limited supplies.
Monday April 28th 1:45-2:45
Taya from our Headquarters will be here to answer questions and chat about the special services the library has to help everyone in the community utilize the library and all of it's amazing services. Whether you are in a wheelchair, use a walker, cane, or scooter- the library wants to make sure you can use our services! Earlier on this day we will be attending the local Senior's meeting and presenting this same information- so we hope to catch everyone we can! Be sure to share this with friends, neighbours, and others in the community who may be unaware of the wonderful services that the library can offer.
For ideas to help keep busy, or to have a little fun; check out our calendar. In-person events are available in our branches once again, so please check out the online calendar for more information and to register.
Join us at 6:15 to 8pm on select Thursday evenings to share your crafty ideas, work on projects, or just visit with others who enjoy getting their craft-on! Coffee and tea is provided. Just bring yourself and anything you would like to work on or share.
Thursdays: April 17th, May 15th, June 12th. No sessions over July and August.
Every 2nd Thursday starting on September 12th (from 5:30 to 8:30pm.) Please check out the calendar for continuing dates or to register for these evenings. You do not need to attend every evening, please speak with Diana if you have concerns or would like some more information.
Local DND enthusiast, Trevor M. has volunteered to spearhead/lead a bi-weekly group here at the library. Those new to DND and those with lots of experience are welcome to join the fun. Please contact Diana to reserve your spot at the table, or to get some more information.
Both Internet/Catalogue computers are available for use during open hours. When the library is busy, please keep your computer use to 15 minutes if possible; your understanding is appreciated.
WI-FI is available inside and outside of the branch from approx. 7am to 10pm daily.
Printing services (please note that colour printing is not available) - cost is 25 cents per page.
We do not have a Fax machine available in the Falkland library. If this service is requested by a business/organization; you should contact them to see if the requested materials can be scanned and emailed. Library staff are happy to assist you with this alternative.
Please feel free to grab a chair and read a book, flip through a magazine, or perhaps work on a craft project. We have chairs and tables available -and often there are some craft supplies, or a puzzle ready to go!
We have our new outside door installed in the branch now. Please be sure to have a good giggle when you use the wrong one for the first time! It has been Diana's main source of entertainment for several weeks now...
Please contact Diana if you have any questions:, or 250-379-2705 ext 1811.
We have some wonderful new Library book bags here in the branch. The price is $5.00 per bag and monies raised go towards library services. Pick one up next time you are in the branch.
We have had an A.E.D. device installed here in the library thanks to the PAD program and the Heart and Stroke Foundation. Unlike those at the Community Hall and the Curling Rink, this one is only available during the open hours at the Library. This device may be taken off-site during an emergency; please speak with staff if you have questions or require its use. The device is located to the right as you come into the building.
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