The Okanagan Falls Library will be closed for renovations from March 1–11 as we refresh our space with new paint and carpet. We look forward to welcoming you back soon and sharing the results!
Enjoy best-selling novels, well-known classics, self-improvement guides, and much more. Now includes eMagazines!
Go to the ORL eBooks|OverDrive Collection
Using the Libby App Borrow eBooks, eAudiobooks, and eMagazines, to read on your phone or tablet using the Libby app by OverDrive. It’s fast and easy to get started! Libby is available for iPads and iPhones, Android tablets/smartphones and Amazon Fire tablets.
Note: The Libby app is not available to download for Windows devices. You can use Libby in your web browser at and enjoy books and magazines online.
For newer Kobo eReaders Borrow eBooks from the library right on the Kobo eReader itself! For newer Kobos (e.g., Libra, Forma, Aura ONE, Aura Edition 2, and Clara HD).
For other eReaders Download eBooks to your computer and transfer them to an eReader. For Kobo eReaders (Glo, Mini, Aura), Nook eReaders (Simple Touch, Glowlight).
Note: Kindle eReaders (including Paperwhite, Oasis) are not compatible with borrowing public library eBooks.
Read eBooks and eMagazines, and listen to eAudiobooks, on the browser of your computer on an internet connection. Instructions are available from OverDrive Help:
For eBooks and eMagazines, learn how to use OverDrive Read
For eAudibooks, learn how to use OverDrive Listen
Device Advice When it comes to deciding between an eReader and a tablet, here are some points to consider...
Frequently Asked Questions Get the answers for the most popular questions about downloading from the ORL eBooks Collection.
Borrowing Digital Books from the Catalogue Did you know that you can check out digital books from the ORL eBooks|OverDrive collection right from the ORL Catalogue? That’s right! Browse for your print and digital reading materials in one place!
Troubleshooting Adobe Digital Editions Having problems with downloading eBooks to Adobe Digital Editions (ADE) to transfer to eReaders? Give these troubleshooting steps a try.
OverDrive Help OverDrive, the company from which the library gets digital books, has a comprehensive site offering help articles on downloading eBooks and eAudiobooks.
OverDrive Device Profiles Check to see how the eReader, smartphone, or tablet you have is compatible with borrowing digital books from the ORL eBooks Collection.
Libby Help OverDrive's detailed help site for using the Libby App.
Call us at 1-844-649-8127.
Email, in your email, please include:
Note: If your ORL card has expired, you'll be unable to borrow from this collection. To renew an expired card, call your library branch.