What's New
  • ORL eBooks - Auto-checkout for held digital books is getting replaced by new options on March 2

    by ORL Marketing | Feb 26, 2020
    Do you use the ORL eBooks|OverDrive collection to enjoy digital books? OverDrive is changing how you check out requested books that become available to borrow so that you can better manage your holds! Currently, when requested digital books become available, they are automatically checked out to your account. On March 2, this will change for all new and existing holds. When your hold becomes available, you will be notified, and you will have a 3-day window when you can either borrow your book, redeliver it at a later date if you don't have time to read it, or cancel the hold if you no longer want the book.
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  • See the Heat!

    by ORL Marketing | Feb 04, 2020
    Digital thermal camera
    Did you know you can borrow a thermal imaging camera from the library to see where heat loss is happening in your home? To borrow one, search for “See the Heat” or “Home Energy Kit” in the Catalogue, https://orl.bibliocommons.com, and place a hold. The cameras can be borrowed for up to seven days.
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